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Snowville Creamery Butter

What You'll Need:

1 half gallon Snowville Heavy Cream

It is best to start with cream at about 55 ºF to 60 ºF.


There are many ways to churn butter, but any form of agitation will cause the butter to form. The easiest way is to pour cream into a food processor up to the liquid fill line and run the processor beyond whipped cream until the butter separates from the buttermilk. You can also use a mixer, a hand whisk, or put cream in a jar with a clean marble and shake it.


Once the butter has separated from the buttermilk, pour the butter and milk into a strainer or colander. The milk that pours off of the butter is good to drink or use for cooking.


The butter that is retained in the strainer should be rinsed with cool water and kneaded with a wooden spoon, or, knead with your hands until all the milk is expelled and the water runs clear.

The butter can then be placed into a butter mold or bowl. For salted butter, add salt before pressing. Enjoy!

Looking for a cultured butter? Try using Creme Fraiche!

Try this out!

Try spicing things up with adding flavoring to your butter with one of or more of the following ingredients.  


Have fun and don't be afraid to get a little crazy with your flavorings!

  • Honey

  • Maple Syrup

  • Cinnamon Sugar

  • Garlic & Herbs

  • Cilantro Lime

  • Sun Dried Tomato

  • Blackberries

  • Blue Cheese & Bacon

  • Parsley, Chilli, Garlic, & Lemon

  • Chives

  • Rosemary & Olives 

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