4 Reasons You Should Turn to Chocolate Milk for Hydration

What people eat or drink after working and playing hard can affect how fast the body replaces fluids, electrolytes, and muscle recovery. And with the store shelves stocked with all kinds of sports drinks, waters, and other drinks that promise rehydration, how do you know what to reach for?
Evidence shows you should head on over to your nearest dairy aisle for some cold, refreshing, and healthy chocolate milk. Preferably chocolate milk with few ingredients, such as Snowville’s A2/A2 Chocolate Milk. If the taste doesn’t give you reason enough, here’s four reasons you should reach for the chocolate milk for rehydration.

Play Longer
Sometimes you just never want the fun to stop or want to push yourself just that little extra bit longer. Chocolate milk can help with that. Chocolate milk drinkers could last almost 1 minute longer than those who drank nutrition-free placebos, in one study.
Grabbing a sports drink? The same study showed chocolate milk helped people last 6 minutes longer than with sports drinks.
Another separate study found that climbers who drank chocolate milk could climb farther and longer than those who just drank water. Chocolate milk may just be the thing to help you go that extra mile or minutes.

Play Harder
Wearing out and having trouble bouncing back after that workout? Chocolate milk may help with that, too! The body releases lactic acid when you play hard, which is an indicator of exertion. One study found that those who drank chocolate milk versus placebo drinks had lower levels of it. Experts found the optimal timing to reduce signs of muscle damage, which is what makes you sore after a workout. They recommend grabbing a chocolate milk right after and again 2 hours post-exercise.

Recover Better
Chocolate milk has the perfect ratio of beneficial elements that you just can’t get with water or a sports drink. The carbohydrate content helps with fuel replacement, meaning more energy to keep playing. The protein in chocolate milk will repair muscles, reducing soreness. There are also lots of electrolytes that assist in fluid retention and hydration. Chocolate milk contains electrolytes like potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Check out our article about meeting the milk minerals for more information on how the various minerals and vitamins in milk to learn more!

Lift More
Get ready for heavy lifting, whether it be picking up the kids or weights. One study compared high school athletes who drank chocolate milk to those who drank sports drinks. They found that those who drank chocolate milk lifted 3.5% more than before. Those who drank commercial sports drinks? They saw a reduction in lifting by 3.2%.
While this was a study done on high school students, it’s easy to imagine that this benefit continues after you get a diploma. It’s because of that perfect carb to protein ratio, which helps performance than more than carb-only sports drinks.

Wrap Up
Snowville Creamery’s Chocolate Milk is the perfect companion for playing and working hard all year around. It’s high in protein, coming in at 18 grams per pint! It also contains essential nutrients to recover from those lost in sweat. Snowville’s Chocolate Milk contains A2/A2 protein, so it’s gentler on digestion than other commodity milks. And our ingredients are kept clean and to a minimum, including milk, cream, simple syrup (organic cane sugar & water), cocoa, organic vanilla extract, and pink Himalayan salt.
So, bottoms up! Grab a couple to take on your picnic, to the gym, or in a lunch for you and the kids! It’s delicious and will get you the energy and recovery you need to get through the day.
Want to see some interesting ideas on ways to use chocolate milk besides just drinking it? Check out our article on 10 Ways to Enjoy Chocolate Milk.